Lakefair Week 2025 is coming to Capitol Lake July 16-20, 2025! Registration now open for the Royalty Tea Party
lakefair royalty
& scholarship program
The Royalty tradition began with the first Lakefair in 1957, and the Scholarship Program was established years later in 1975 by Capitalarian Dee Hooper. It continues to be one of the most recognized scholarship programs in the Pacific Northwest and has awarded more than $500,000 in funding to date. The program is currently sponsored by our partners at Olympia Federal Savings.
Members of the Royalty Court participate in all aspects of Capital Lakefair throughout the season. It provides an educational opportunity for participants to learn about themselves, our community and prepare for higher education and adult life. In addition to local events, members visit communities around the Pacific Northwest from Oregon to British Columbia as they travel with the Lakefair Float to other festivals.
Each member of the Court receives a $3,000 scholarship, the Queen an additional $2,000, and remaining candidates $500 each. The funds may be applied to any form of higher education including a traditional degree, trade school or vocational training program.
The process begins with each participating school selecting a representative by December to become their candidate for the Royalty Court. In early February, candidates take part in a one-day event that includes a panel discussion, individual interviews with 5 independent judges from the business community, and a speech on a predetermined subject. Once complete, five young women will be nominated at Coronation to serve on the Court, one of which is named Lakefair Queen.
Complete information on the program and how to apply is available from the local high school counselors or career center. Prerequisite requirements are being a fully enrolled high school junior, 3.3 or better GPA, complete application with two letters of recommendation and a 500 word essay.

Coming soon!
This year's Coronation is set for February 1, 2025!